Now you’re leaving Manhattan

       Now you’re leaving Manhattan

In the backdrop

Of George Washington bridge

You leave behind

What was once a great city

you love so much

And where you grow up

To be the woman you are today.

Now you’re leaving Manhattan.

I used to love this vibrant city

After I bought into the idea

Of luxury lifestyle penthouse dream.

By seeing you leaving


I'm forced to get out of that dream,

Scraped it from my mind

And let it go out of my heart.

Now you're leaving Manhattan

You leave behind

A city becoming increasingly

A taxed hellhole.

A mismanaged island

One false move away

Of going bankrupt

No millionaire’s tax will fix it.

No billionaire's row will embellish it.

As quickly as they can

My friends and their Wall street

companies are moving out

Like they are under the threat

Of an eviction notice.

Now you’re leaving Manhattan

You leave behind

A city becoming increasingly

Too bubbly

Boring wall of skyscrapers

Broken and outdated subway


small communities neighborhood

From city block to city block

Hotels and restaurants

Are disappearing.

Now you’re leaving Manhattan.

When time cripples

Our American cities

And extends its claws

To shake the ground under our feet

It could mean stumble

Into a buzzsaw.

If the city never sleeps

We don’t sleep

And we alienate life.

Maybe we humans aren’t created

To live in overcrowded cities.